Friday, 3 September 2010

The Futura is here

In early 1984 I produced my fifth music project under the name Carrillion. Five tracks make use of the omni-present Roland Juno 6 as well as this time sticking to the Casio VL-1 for rhythms. This time however I managed to get hold of a Texas Instruments Speak and Spell from my friend's little sister. I only had it for a weekend but used it to flavour the tracks that became the mini album called Futura. Having Letrasetted my previous cassettes I was given some spare Letraset sheets from my then girlfriend Rachel - who was beginning to get seriously interested in graphic design. The sheets she gave were the typeface Futura and so I simply rubbed over the title on the sheet to get the title of my album - the sheet came first - not the word! Rachel's graphic interest had also spilled over into airbrush art and she had begun copying Athena posters with a small airbrush kit. So I took a photo of one of her paintings and used that as the cassette cover, Letrasetting directly onto it...

Such painstaking work in those days that would take but half an hour on a PC nowadays...

Anyway - the music can be heard here on Bandcamp.

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