Saturday, 28 May 2005

The Land Of Oz

Received a final round robin e-mail from two old friends today who are leaving for Aus. How strange it is these days that final good-byes are made on the Net. And yet no doubt within days they'll be e-mailing photos of their arrival, where they're staying etc...Given that I've not seen them for ages will it ever seem like they ever really leave?

Sunday, 15 May 2005


I have been quite prolific lately, not only with this blog, but many other works in progress I am doing. Digging out old tapes of my first band and being very inspired by the quality of the lyric writing (I was only a lad when I wrote them!). I may publish some of the best ones here, but wonder do I keep to the original song titles or not? Does a rhyming lyric become a poem when taken out of context? Can a poem ever truly become a lyric for a song? Purists would argue 'No!' and I think I'd go along with that. But sometimes the esthetic of a lyric can lift it into the sphere of True Poetry and I suppose it's only fair that the reverse may also be true. Some of my poetry could easily outdo many a pop songs lyrics for grammatical dexterity. Maybe I am a great lyricist but did not know it!

Thursday, 5 May 2005

05/05/05... or 666?

Blair appears to be back. Well, I voted for him at least and as I write it looks promising. The Tories floundering in the background cannot have a hope now Blair has joined forces with Bush and put us on the world stage again, for better or for worse.

Wednesday, 4 May 2005

Timing issues

Timothy timed the tinny can-can
And numbered the hubris'd klu-klux-klan
Waiting for figurative results
In a sheltered blanket of peace

Clare weighed the woody tom-tom
And countered the debris from the wonton
Waiting for diminuative results
In a sheltered sleeping bag