Thursday, 14 February 2008

Sorry seems to be the easiest word, at least in Oz

I was struck yesterday by the text of the apology made by the Australian government to aborigines for the systematic removal of generations of infants from their families and place of birth. The full text is here: and what struck me was the certainty that we will never see a British government apologise so unconditionally; Blair will never say 'sorry' for Iraq and WMD's.

I am working on a short story based on my research into this Stolen Generation issue called 'Boomerang Babies'.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Don't twitter about it, write it.

As if writers were short of excuses not to actually get down to the business of writing, I have noticed an alarming new development where lazy writers end up writing nothing more than their own blogs... which ironically are all about writing! Because of the connectivity of the awfully-named blogosphere, these 'writers' end up in perpetual connection with each other, Twittering away about how marvellous these new social medias are and fretting over how they 'as writers' are going to fit their work around those medias, all without actually generating any new original writing, unless it is more twaddle on the 'nature' of writing in this new dangerous digital age. Christ!