Sunday, 7 May 2006

Dying Swan

So, avian flu has reached Britain. How symbolic that the first victime is that most romantic of birds - the swan. As I heard the report on the radio I imagined in my mind's eye a young female ballet dancer, lying prostate on the stony beach of the Scottish loch. Turning to my synthesizer I recorded a ten minute improvisation with a harp-like sound. I may use the 'off-air' recordings again over this piece, which I am beginning to feel is turning into some sort of concept album about current affairs. Oh well, all artists are inspired by their environment and their times and I am no different. I have also begun to play around with Paintshop a little more and am thinking of creating at least one new image for each blog entry. This first was montaged from images found with google's image search - a triumph of technology helping find the raw materials for the creative artist!